Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving and the world's worst pie

I can cook about as well as I can sing, which is to say it's possible for me to do, but no one else wants to be around when it happens. Most of what I'm making for Thanksgiving will come from mixes or frozen pop-in-the-oven stuff (that cook-in-the-bag turkey breast is a delicious lifesaver!).

I wanted to make one thing from scratch, but it needed to be easy. So I tried a recipe for crock pot pumpkin pie. This is what I got:

The presentation is skewed a bit by the slow cooker liner (I clean about as well as I cook, so every effort to make that easier helps). It basically looks like a pumpkin pie while in the cooker, which I realized is almost what I made -- the filling, at least. The Bisquick I put in didn't really form into a crust. I could've made what I did and poured it into a store-bought crust to look all nice and professional, but what fun is that? It actually tastes quite nice, but looks like a pile of orange slop on a plate. Not ideal guest-friendly fare. Good thing it's just me and the hubby this year!

My experiment in slow-cooker desserts would end there if I hadn't already bought the fixings for crock-pot dump cake, so the adventure will continue next month. May you all have a happy and tasty Thanksgiving!

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